Branding Your Halloween Radio Station

Perhaps one of the most important questions to ask yourself when creating (or temporarily rebranding) an internet radio station is "who are you?"

Think of your favorite internet or local FM radio station -- they have a clear identity. You have a general idea of what to expect when you tune in, you're familiar with the on-air personalities (even if you have no clue what they look like!), and you might even be able to pick their logo out of a lineup. The same should go for your internet radio station, especially if it revolves around a certain holiday.

So… who are you?
To brand your identity as a Halloween radio station, you need to answer a few additional questions.

Why are you creating this station?
It could be that you have a vast collection of horror soundtracks that you want to share with others looking during the spookiest of seasons. Maybe your hobby is telling the scariest stories and you'd like to share them on-air. Or you could just be really into Halloween and want to spread some spooky cheer! Bottom line, there's a reason you're thinking about starting a station. Why?

What do you want to share?
You can argue that this is essentially the same question as above, but this goes beyond the creation of your station. Yes, you want to share the best scary music on the planet with your audience, but what else? Are there causes you're passionate about? Are you going to be funny, serious, or terrifying? Will you share national Halloween stories, only feel-good stories, or just local news and events surrounding Halloween?

Who is your audience?
This one covers a few bases, and it's easiest if you come up with a "marketing persona." According to Ardath Albee of Marketing Interactions, a marketing persona "is a composite sketch of a key segment of your audience. For content marketing purposes, you need personas to help you deliver content that will be most relevant and useful to your audience."

So in order to deliver the most relevant and useful Halloween content to your audience, who are they? What music do they prefer? Do they care about the news? Do they want to hear spooky stories? Do they want to hear about local Halloween events? How about haunted house reviews? Do they have other shared interests? Where do they live -- global, national, local?

What sets you apart from the others?
There are tons of online radio stations out there. What do you offer that others don't? In this instance, the thing that might set you apart is your station focuses solely on Halloween until November 1. You could play family-friendly Halloween music for kids, or ear-deafening death metal, or tell the scariest stories around-the-clock. It could even be that you, the DJ, have such a great personality that shines through the digital airwaves. Maybe you even host fun contests with awesome prizes, like tickets to your local haunted house or gift certificates to a pumpkin patch. That's what sets you apart and makes you stand out. (Oh, and always be sure to deliver on those promises!)

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Article image: [Bess-Hamiti (CC0 Creative Commons) via Pixabay.]