Center Stage on Live365: Cosmos Astrum

Center Stage on Live365 this week is Cosmos Astrum – "manifesting a stronger community" through music that is either inspiring or of a spiritual nature. We spoke with the station manager Matthew Lay about their history with radio, their station's programming, and we got some music recommendations. Check out the interview below!

What made you get started in radio?

I was already broadcasting on multiple platforms and being interviewed on other radio stations. I decided to consolidate to one location and give others an opportunity to share.

What brought you to Live365?

Returning from a long time ago. Even back then I always admired the reliability.

What's your favorite part about running your own radio station?

I am giving people an opportunity to be creative with their live shows, and giving independent artists a level playing ground with major label artists.

Tell us about your station's programming. What can listeners expect when they tune in to your station?

We are always adding DJs and broadcasters, but while tuning in you may hear:

  • Lone Wolf Poetics with his poetry and short stories
  • Ghost Stories told from a paranormal investigator perspective
  • Thunder Cave where the DJ plays a variety of media, ranging from vinyl, cassette, 8-tracks, and digital across multiple genres
  • LGBTQ+ Pagan show offering music and topics that bridge the gap in communities

We have more shows and even more coming soon. To stay up to date with our schedule, visit our website.

Name one artist that you play on your station that is underrated in your opinion.


What's your favorite music memory/moment?

I used to perform music in the United States and Canada, and early in my days of performing, I went to perform in Atlanta, GA at a club. Due to a mix-up in promotions there were minimal patrons, but I went on and performed like I was performing in front of thousands. It just so happens a gentleman was sitting at the bar and was so impressed that I went all out with such few people, he introduced himself to me. He was a very well-known promotions manager and took me under his wing.

There are so many music related highlights in my life, but at this moment in time, this one stands out.

Please list your top 5 or 10 songs, with a brief reason why each song made your list.

These are (current) personal favorites:

  • "Ritual" - NYTT LAND
    I feel as though I am part of something bigger while listening to this song.

  • "In Maijan" - Heilung
    This transports you through the runes and the eddas.

  • "Kikimora" - Kiberspassk
    I love throat singing, but to mix it into an industrial sound is amazing. Also the symbolism throughout their videos is memorable.

  • "Loki" - Gealdýr
    I am often told that I am a reincarnation of Loki from Norse beliefs. Regardless, this song speaks to me.

  • "Burn" - The Cure
    It has been a long tradition of mine to watch The Crow on October 30th, so of course this song stands out, and it is The Cure :)

Listen to Cosmos Astrum on and follow them on Facebook!

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