Featured Spotlight Station: Alive 105.9

This week's "Featured Spotlight Station" is Alive 105.9!

What can listeners expect when they tune in to your station?
Contemporary Christian music.

What brought you to Live365?
The simplicity for music licensing.

What's your studio like?
We are a LP FM station in Derby, KS playing contemporary Christian music with live DJs, events, and spotlighting local artists.

What has been your favorite moment as a DJ so far?
I love connecting with the listeners.

Curious what you'll hear when you tune in? Alive 105.9 provided a list of top tracks and local artists that are in heavy rotation on their station, below:

  1. Reckless Love by Cory Asbury
  2. Fear is a Liar by Zach Williams
  3. Grace Got You by MercyMe
  4. So Will I (100 Billion X) by Hillsong Worship
  5. I just need U by TobyMac
  6. Worthy of So Much More by Chad Boney
  7. Avalanche by Jeremy Stokely

Listen to Alive 105.9, give them a like on Facebook, and a follow on Instagram!

Live365 Broadcasters! Want the chance to be featured? Fill out the form at the following link: Featured Spotlight Submission Form. (Duplicate station entries will only be featured once.)