Featured Spotlight Station: CurtJazz Radio

Live365's "Featured Spotlight Station" this week is CurtJazz Radio! We spoke with Curt Davenport about the station's setup, what listeners can expect to hear, and some of the station's best hits. Check out the interview below!

What brought you to Live365?

I am a former FM Radio DeeJay, who is still doing what he loves: playing jazz for people like me, who love the music. I was on the original Live365 for 12 years and I'm THRILLED to be back.

What's your studio like?

My studio at this point is simple, but it gets the job done - It's a spacious upstairs bonus room in my home in Charlotte, NC. As the station grows, I will have plenty of room in this space for live interviews and "Tiny Desk" style concerts.

What can listeners expect when they tune in to your station?

They can expect straight-ahead jazz and lots of it: hard bop, Latin, soul-jazz, vocals, and more. I play a healthy dose of the classics (Miles, Monk, Diz, etc.), but I also give a great deal of space to the music by living artists; if jazz is to remain relevant, there has got to be a place for people to hear the music being made today.

What has been your favorite moment as a DJ/Station Manager so far?

Getting an email after I returned to Live365, in December 2017, from a listener who loved my station in the past and was happy to see me back on the air. It meant the world to me that the music I play made a difference in people's lives and that they actually missed me!

What is the best concert you've ever attended, and why?

In recent memory, it was Tom Harrell at the Village Vanguard in NYC (2015). It was my first time, after all these years, in that legendary jazz room and between Harrell and his group being in top form and me getting to sit ringside in that historical place, it was an amazing experience.

We asked for some of the station's favorite songs. Here's what they had to say!

There are so many, it's hard to select just 10. I will have to get back to you on that!

Listen to CurtJazz Radio on Live365.com, like them on Facebook, and follow them on Twitter and Instagram!

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