Featured Spotlight Station: Nobodies Radio Station

Featured Spotlight Station: Nobodies Radio Station

Live365's "Featured Spotlight Station" this week is Nobodies Radio Station! We spoke with Chad Vice about their setup, what listeners can expect to hear, and the station's favorite songs. Check out the interview below!

What brought you to Live365?

I wanted to create my own radio station to play music that is not overplayed and to have more control in order to hear what I was not hearing on most radio stations. Ultimately, I knew there were others like me who wanted to hear a more expanded playlist of songs with just real honest broadcasting. It was also important to me to be able to feature lesser-known bands and songs so they could be supported for their hard work that we all enjoy.

What's your studio like?

We just have a tiny apartment space with a Blue Yeti microphone, Audacity with a studio mixer, 2 coffee machines, a fridge full of drinks, a Toshiba laptop, and a sometimes annoying co-host named Kevin Matthews.

What can listeners expect when they tune in to your station?

The unexpected! They'll hear hard, heavy, brutal, classic, and modern heavy metal songs that are not normally part of a major radio station's playlist, and very low repeat plays. Songs that are brand new, alternate versions, and hidden gems all can be heard, and we play songs that we genuinely love. We listen to our own station and hope others will feel that connection when they tune in.

What has been your favorite moment as a DJ/Station Manager so far?

It has been awesome seeing new people from different countries tune in and share posts about the station. Another great part is having artists reach out to me to get their songs on the station since I love supporting independent artists. Also, it's very rewarding to show off music that I like that I feel others will enjoy as well. The fun that is discovering new bands and songs is something that I hope to share with other hard rocking folks.

What is the best concert you've ever attended, and why?

Guns N' Roses in 2006 and 2009. They played for over 3 hours and sounded amazing. I was blown away by the power of it and Axl's voice after so many years.

What artist (dead or alive) would you love to see live, but haven't had the chance to see?

Toto, Dio, Heavy Pettin', Tears for Fears

We asked for some of the station's favorite songs. Here's what they had to say!

Listen to Nobodies Radio Station on Live365.com, like them on Facebook, and follow them on Twitter and Instagram!

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