February 2020 Featured Team Member: Jay Krivanek

The featured Media Creek, Inc. team member for the month of February is Jay Krivanek, our Vice President of Engineering! Media Creek, Inc. is comprised of Live365, EmpireStreaming, and Abovecast.

Jay Krivanek got into radio as a teen when he came up with antenna designs to get the most out of part 15 devices and set up a DJ booth in his closet. He shifted his focus from small micro-powered stations to online radio in 1999 when he obtained broadband internet. Realizing that there were no resources to help start an online station, he developed a website called ShoutClub which would later become Radio Toolbox to help get stations online. He has since used this experience to help small broadcasters by joining Spacial Audio to develop Auto DJ, hosting services, and other tools to get their voices heard.

So Jay, let us know, what do you do for Media Creek?

I am Media Creek’s VP of Engineering, so my responsibilities include helping develop and execute product and engineering visions directed by the leadership team. I am also responsible for translating complicated technical issues to the business team so that they can make the best decisions for our organization’s strategy. Occasionally, I do a bit of programming and systems administration as needed.

In your opinion, what's the best part about working for Media Creek?

For me, the best part is being able to help the team achieve their goals and feeling a great sense that I make a huge impact for our technical team. I love troubleshooting problems and helping the team get unstuck when they hit a blocker.

I know it's a tough question, but if you had to pick just ONE music genre to listen to for the rest of your life, what would that be?

That’s not a tough question, that’s an impossible one. I have a very eclectic taste in music that ranges from classic rock, chillwave, and folk, to downtempo, prog, and EDM. Picking one is like asking an artist to use one shade of red for all their paintings. I get the spirit of the question though, so if I had to pick one today, chillwave would be where I would land as I would need it to prevent the anxiety of having no other choice.

Who is your all-time favorite band/artist?

I definitely don’t have an all-time favorite, but right now I am really digging Tycho.

What's your favorite song by Tycho?

“Skate” off their latest album Weather.

What's your favorite station on Live365?

When I am testing, I find myself drawn to Amazing Lite Music.

Learn more about Media Creek, Inc. and its brands here. Have questions? Email us at hello@mediacreek.net.

Article image: ktphotography via Pixabay.