Fiona Apple Confirms New Album Title & Details

Fiona Apple Confirms New Album Title & Details

Recently, Fiona Apple confirmed that she had completed the follow-up to 2012’s The Idler Wheel…, and now in a profile in The New Yorker, Apple has announced that the album's title is Fetch the Bolt Cutters.

Recorded and self-produced at her home studio, the album consists of 13 tracks that are “raw” and “percussion-heavy.” Drummer Amy Aileen Wood, bassist Sebastian Steinberg, and guitarist Davíd Garza joined her in the recording process. Apple’s sister, Amber, who's known as Maude Maggart, sings harmonies on the album. Engineers John Would, Dave Way, and Tchad Blake also worked with Apple throughout the process.

As for the title, it references a line in The Fall, the British police procedural starring Gillian Anderson as a sex-crimes investigator. The phrase comes when Anderson’s character calls out to free a girl from a locked room in which she’d been tortured. Regarding the title, Apple said, “Really, what it’s about is not being afraid to speak.”

Tracks on the album include “For Her,” “Newspaper,” “On I Go,” “The Drumset Is Gone,” “Rack of His,” “Kick Me Under the Table,” “Ladies,” “Shameka,” “Heavy Balloon,” and “I Want You to Love Me.”

The release date for Fetch the Bolt Cutters has yet to be announced.

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Article image: Fiona Apple performing on Aug. 8, 2015. (Sachyn [CC BY-SA 3.0] via Wikimedia Commons.)