Idina Menzel Starts YouTube Kids Show 'Idina’s Treehouse'

Idina Menzel has launched a new YouTube show for kids and parents entitled Idina’s Treehouse.

The show, which premiered on Monday on the newly created Idina's Treehouse YouTube channel, is set in her son's treehouse and features Menzel sharing songs and stories.

A description of the show reads, "In these challenging times, it often feels like we are isolated from the world. This experience can be especially tough on children. To provide meaningful connections - and give busy parents a bit of a break - award-winning actress and singer Idina Menzel has created a kid-friendly series to entertain the world from her very own treehouse. Bring the family and join Idina, the voice of 'Queen Elsa' from FROZEN, in charming story-time, sign-along musical performances, and discovery with funky new friends. Every episode is an engaging adventure in Idina’s Treehouse!"

Regarding the project, Menzel said in a statement, “[It's] Just something I started working on during quarantine." She continued, "Hope you all like it. In search of a little peace and quiet during lockdown and stressful homeschooling, I took refuge in my son Walker’s treehouse. Started talking and singing to myself. Delirium? Stir crazy? Mother gone mad? I offer up myself for your children’s amusement.”

Watch the first episode of Idina’s Treehouse below.

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Article Image: Idina Menzel at her star ceremony on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on Oct. 19, 2019 in Los Angeles, CA. (Jean_Nelson via DepositPhotos.)