October 2018 Featured Team Member: Lukas Lalinsky

October's featured Media Creek, Inc. team member is Senior Software Engineer, Lukas Lalinsky! Media Creek, Inc. is comprised of Live365, EmpireStreaming, and Abovecast.

Lukas started programming as a kid, making his C64 produce beeps and noises. In 15 years of doing that professionally, he gained experience with every aspect of software development and music has always played a part in it. When he is not solving software problems, he spends his time outdoors, enjoying the moments surrounded by nature.

Pictured above: Lukas Lalinsky

Lukas, as a Senior Software Engineer, what all do you do for Media Creek?

I started by working on the backend parts of the Live365 platform. Later on, I worked on a new project internally called "ARM" for providing accurate royalty reporting and listener statistics to radio station owners. Most recently, I switched to a different role and spend most of my time making sure our software in production runs smoothly.

What is your favorite part about working for Media Creek?

I love working on music-related projects, so that's a great advantage on its own. I like the flexibility that working on a remote team allows.

If you had to pick just ONE music genre to listen to for the rest of your life, what would that be?

If I only had to pick one music genre, then it would be definitely the kind of minimalistic "modern classical" music that is being composed these days by people like Max Richter.

Who is your all-time favorite band or artist?

I don't have one. I love music too much to pick just one artist. Currently, I like artists like Max Richter, Nils Frahm, and Ludovico Einaudi a lot, but that's just a very short selection.

Can you pick a favorite song by one of the artists you just mentioned?

It's hard to pick one song. But I can pick a favorite album. my favorite album is an 8 hour piece by Max Richter called Sleep (hear the first track here). It's amazing music to sleep to.

Learn more about Media Creek, Inc. and its brands. Have questions? Email us at hello@mediacreek.net.

Article image: ktphotography [CC0] via Pixabay.