November 2020 Featured Team Member: Mikala Testa

The featured Media Creek, Inc. team member for the month of November is Mikala Testa, our Junior Accountant! Media Creek, Inc. is comprised of Live365, EmpireStreaming, and Abovecast.

Mikala is an accountant and mom to her wonderful daughter Carmella. In her free time, she likes spending time with family and playing with her German shepherd Kimber. She also enjoys eating sushi, exercising, and reading, which is one of her favorite hobbies.

Hey Mikala! To begin, tell us about what all you do at Media Creek.

My position at Media Creek is Junior Accountant. This includes a wide variety of accounting activities, including categorizing transactions, paying bills, providing financial statements, and dabbling in HR.

In your opinion, what's the best part about working for Media Creek?

There are a few things that come to mind. This is one of the most inclusive and welcoming companies I have worked with and my colleagues are friendly and helpful. It’s also a blessing to have flexibility and be able to maintain a work/life balance. Overall, it’s truly a pleasure to work for and see the development of Media Creek.

Although it's a tough question, if you had to pick just ONE music genre to listen to for the rest of your life, what would that be?

Just one? I listen to so many different genres, I can't pick one! I love oldies, EDM, rock, and jazz.

Fair enough! We'll keep it broad then. Who is your all-time favorite artist?

Justin Bieber

What's your favorite song of all time?

Build Me Up Buttercup - The Foundations

What Live365 station have you been enjoying recently?

I’ve recently been listening to Jazz Variations.

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Article image: ktphotography via Pixabay.