Preservation Hall Jazz Band Unveil 'A Tuba to Cuba' Album Release Date

Preservation Hall Jazz Band have announced that their new album A Tuba to Cuba will be released on June 28 via Sub Pop.

The new album is the soundtrack to their recently released documentary of the same name, which followed the group's visit to Cuba. The T.G. Herrington and Danny Clinch-directed A Tuba to Cuba documentary showcased band leader Ben Jaffe's journey retracing the connection of New Orleans jazz to indigenous Cuban music, which was a dream of his late father, Preservation Hall founder Allan Jaffe.

Jaffe described the songs from the album as a similar experience to “listening to the radio” and “a beautiful conversation.”

“We are so proud and honored to share a project we’ve poured so much of ourselves into,” Jaffe added. “The impact visiting Cuba had on us will live with us both individually and as a band forever. We’re still absorbing everything we experienced.”

The 12-song soundtrack is available for pre-order with their latest single “Keep Your Head Up” currently available to stream and download. Preservation Hall Jazz Band will hit the road this summer in support of A Tuba to Cuba.

Listen to “Keep Your Head Up” below.

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Article image: Preservation Hall Jazz band performing in New Orleans in 2007. (Infrogmation of New Orleans [CC BY-SA 3.0] via Wikimedia Commons.)