Rush's Geddy Lee Authors "Big Beautiful Book of Bass"

Progressive rock icon, Geddy Lee, who plays bass, keyboards, and sings lead vocals for Rush, is set to release a book dedicated to the thing he knows best -- bass guitar. Rolling Stone has ranked Lee as one of the top bassists of all-time.

For the past seven years, Lee has dedicated himself to studying the history of the bass guitar and has collected hundreds from all over the world. Lee's book features a whopping 250 bass guitars from his personal collection.

"It's not surprising that sooner or later I'd dive down the proverbial rabbit hole into the world of vintage bass guitars," says Geddy Lee.

Lee's book will be released on Dec. 18, but you can preorder "Geddy Lee's Big Beautiful Book of Bass" on Amazon.

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Article image: Rush at Charter One Pavilion, July 5, 2010. (Tankboy [CC BY-SA 2.0] via Flickr.)