September 2019 Featured Team Member: Vlad Munteanu

The featured Media Creek, Inc. team member for the month of September is Vlad Munteanu, one of our awesome Software Developers! Media Creek, Inc. is comprised of Live365, EmpireStreaming, and Abovecast.

Vlad is a Python developer from Romania with a passion for system and software architecture. While not day-dreaming about his own framework that he hopes to start soon, he enjoys visiting the local pool for a swim, spending time with his pets, or going for a drive. Swimming has been a passion of Vlad's since age 8 when he joined a water polo team, where they eventually won the country championship.

Hey Vlad! So, first question, what all do you do for Media Creek?

I work as a back-end developer, developing the inner workings of Live365.

In your opinion, what is the best part about working for Media Creek?

The fun and rapidly expanding domain, which makes it technically challenging. Another strong plus is the flexibility of our working schedule, being a remote team. I can wander off into my yard every now and then if I feel tired, or just need a break.

I know it's a tough question, but if you had to pick just ONE music genre to listen to for the rest of your life, what would that be?

Probably rock.

Who is your all-time favorite band/artist?

Tough one...I've always been in love with Pink Floyd and AC/DC, as well as some local bands. I think I'll have to go local and choose Subcarpati, since they managed to combine very old Romanian music with more recent genres, and deliver it together with some killer lyrics.

What's your favorite song by Subcarpati?

This is also tough, but let's pick something recently released, which is a live session called "DĂ-I FOALE."

What's your favorite station on Live365?

Honestly, I haven't really picked a favorite, there are so many to choose from, so I tune into a big variety.

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Article image: ktphotography via Pixabay.