The Music Scout (Alternative) - January 2023

Author: Jay Goldberg

Happy new year all. As promised, I will go back to business topics in this column this year. As a quick reminder, I have an MBA, developed and teach entrepreneurship courses, wrote a book on entrepreneurship, worked for a Not for Profit that helped small businesses succeed, and am a business consultant. Whether in my course, at the Not for Profit, or just talking business, it doesn't matter whether the topic is – strategic planning, business plans, financial analysis, customer service strategies, or whatever – the discussion always comes around to marketing. So starting next month I will outline a few potential marketing ideas aimed at increasing listeners.

One key – aligning with indie and small label artists. Many of these artists are not well known and are looking for more exposure so they can breakthrough to earn more money from their music. I know quite a few, and the majority need help when looking at their profession as a business. The programs I will present will have benefits for both the artists and the stations.

“Blue Room” by George and the Imagination Machine

This song is about a successful young man whose life takes a terrible turn for the worse. His depression makes him retreat to his blue room, where he creates imaginary friends and, eventually, loses his mind. George Rondina, from Toronto, is also the owner of N9 Recording Studios.

“Ghost Town” by Delyn Grey

Grey, also from Toronto, wrote this song two days into the COVID quarantine as “feelings of helplessness, shock and disbelief” started creeping in. This song is asking everyone to do what's necessary and required during the turmoil to support each other as everything around turns into “ghost towns.”

“There's No Changin'” by Eric Anders and Mark O'Bitz

This song is off the duo's EP, This Mortal Farse. The title comes from the name others gave to Dante's afterlife poems The Divine Comedy. Anders and O'Bitz are both from California. The four songs for the project were originally written for their debut album American Bardo.

“Promises We Made” by Arktik Lake

Do you remember the Australian band The Church who sang “Under the Milky Way?” Well, Marty Wilson-Piper, a former member of the Church (also All About Eve and The Saints) is in Arktik Lake. For you musicians out there, Wilson-Piper is know for his excellence on the Rickenbacker 360/12 guitar.

“Hey Man” by Rare Bird

Have a station that plays music from the 70s? Here's a late 60s/70s band many won't know, but who produced some great music. I could have gone with a number of songs but selected this song from my favorite album of theirs, Epic Forest from 1972.

All "The Music Scout (Alternative)" content rights reside with the author.

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Article Image: The text "The Music Scout" with the white Live365 logo underneath, next to an animated person with headphones.