A Masterlist of Music Charts for U.S. Radio Broadcasters

Whether you're a Top 40 radio broadcaster in need of the latest hit tunes or are just curious about the state of the industry, you need music charts. They're like the magazines of the music world, spreading knowledge to everyone about who's in, who's out, and what trends people can't get enough of for weeks and weeks on end.

As a broadcaster, it's important to keep your eye on several music charts at a time, not just one. Each chart can have its own unique – yet accurate – data. The more charts you check, the more programming information you have...and the better you can make your rotations!

There are several reputable music charts across the web. To make your life easier, we've created this masterlist of music charts. We'll be continuously updating it whenever new charts are discovered or released. We hope this is a convenient page for you to remember all of the charts out there, as well as a place to discover charts you've never heard of before.

Billboard Charts

Billboard Magazine: the Bible of music charts. The Billboard Hot 100 and Billboard 200 are perhaps the most important charts in the industry. Billboard also has a variety of other telling charts. Below are the ones currently available (although some live behind Billboard's paywall):

Streaming Charts

A variety of music streaming services and radio providers have their own digital music charts. Here are the ones we know of:

Other Notable Charts

These include charts associated with radio shows, online magazines, and other charts on the web.

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Article Image: Various brand logos related to music (Billboard, YouTube, TikTok, Deezer, Apple, Shazam, & iHeartRadio) on a pink and purple background. (Available through Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.)