Featured Spotlight Station, Feature

Featured Spotlight Station: Theme City Radio

Live365's "Featured Spotlight Station" this week is Theme City Radio! We spoke with the station about their setup, what listeners can expect to hear, and the station's favorite songs. Check out the interview below!

What brought you to Live365?

I've always been a fan of Live365! The biggest reason I chose to broadcast on the platform is the fact that Live365 provides the bandwidth, broadcasting tools, and music licensing all in one package. That's what did it for me!

What's your studio like?

I keep it simple with just my laptop, a Blue "Snowball" microphone, and my huge music collection. My original programming is prerecorded so I don't need much more than that.

What can listeners expect when they tune in to your station?

Listeners will hear alternative, rock, as well as pop during the daytime hours, and big band and swing music all night. That has worked out well for us. Plus, we have a show called "Theme City." "Theme City" features an hour of songs and artists based on the same theme or keyword. The theme or keyword might be in the title of the song, in the content of the song, or in the name of the band. The show highlights a different theme every hour. It's pretty cool and fun to put together. Check it out every weekday from 1pm to 4pm EST.

What has been your favorite moment as a DJ/Station Manager so far?

I have loved hearing comments from listeners that they've been turned on to music they haven't heard before. Plus, as much as I love alternative and rock music, I especially love to expose big band and swing to a new audience. I find that truly satisfying.

What is the best concert you've ever attended, and why?

There have been so many. I've seen Yes about 10 times and each time was awesome. But, I'd say the best concert I saw was Nine Inch Nails and Peter Murphy back in the early 90s. "Pretty Hate Machine" had just been released so no one knew who NIN was and it blew me away. Peter Murphy was promoting "Deep" and he was just awesome!

What artist (dead or alive) would you love to see live, but haven't had the chance to see?

There are two of them: Kate Bush and Glenn Miller.

We asked for some of the station's favorite songs. Here's what they had to say!

There are so many, but here are some alternative/rock favorites:

...and some big band and swing ones:

Listen to Theme City Radio on Live365.com! For more info, check out their website ThemeCityRadio.com.

Live365 Broadcasters! Want the chance to be featured? Fill out the form at the following link: Featured Spotlight Submission Form. (Duplicate station entries will only be featured once. Must have a Live365 Broadcaster account.)

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About Michelle Ruoff

  • Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania