How to Listen to Live365 on Amazon Alexa & Fire TV

There are several different ways to listen to your favorite Live365 radio stations! We've made it easier than ever to stream internet radio using products you already own. Whether it's on your smartphone, TV, laptop, or through radio directories, Live365 is fully available at home and on the go. We're even available through Amazon products!

In this article, we'll be explaining how to listen to Live365 via two popular Amazon products: the Amazon Alexa and Fire TV. Listeners have been able to access Live365 stations through Amazon Alexa since 2019, and through all major smart TVs since the end of 2022.

Got your own Amazon Alexa or Fire TV / Fire Stick and ready to listen to Live365 right now? Here's how to do it!

Listening to Live365 Via Amazon Alexa

We've previously covered the basics of how to access Live365 via Alexa, but here's some more in-depth instructions on how to do so...

Live365 is available as an Alexa Skill. This means once the skill is acquired by your Alexa, any station can be accessed via the smart speaker. To begin listening to Live365 on your Alexa, you first need to enable the Live365 Alexa Skill in the Alexa Skills Store. Search “Live365” in the Alexa Skills Store or navigate directly to the Live365 skill page by clicking here. (Listeners from Canada can find the Live365 Alexa Skill here, and listeners from the U.K. can find the Live365 Alexa Skill on this page.)

Once there, select “Enable” and you will then be able to access Live365 on all of your available Alexa devices. You can also enable the Live365 skill by simply saying "Alexa, Enable Live365 Skill."

After enabling the Live365 skill, tune into Live365 by saying “Alexa, play Live365!” You can then pick your favorite station from the thousands of stations on Live365, or select from hundreds of music genres, including Rock, Classical, Jazz, Electronic, Country, Gospel, Pop, Hip-Hop/R&B, International, Reggae, Broadway, Meditation, Oldies, Talk, and more! If you have a specific station in mind, say "Play [insert station name]." To select a genre, say "Play [insert genre name]."

It's also worth noting that Live365 broadcasters on Broadcast 4 and 5 packages have their own Alexa skill for their specific station. It's a great hands-free listening experience!

Listening to Live365 Via Fire TV

Live365 is available on all major smart TVs, and Amazon's Fire TV (as well as the Fire Stick) is no exception!

To access Live365 through your Fire TV or Fire Stick, all you have to do is visit the Amazon App Store on your device and search for "Live365." You can also click here to download the Live365 app directly.

Once you've found the app and installed it onto your Fire TV or Fire Stick, you'll find that using it is very similar to operating the Live365 Channel on Roku devices. Features on the Live365 Amazon app include:

  • Browsing stations by preferred genres
  • Searching stations by name or keywords
  • Listening via the audio player with live metadata and album artwork for each station
  • Viewing last played tracks

You can also pause music playing on your TV and favorite specific stations you enjoy to access them easily. Playing Live365 stations on your Amazon Fire TV is especially great when you're entertaining a group, as the speakers on your TV will provide an adequate volume level for those also looking to enjoy the music!

That's about it for our Amazon tutorials. We hope you have fun blasting stations on your Alexa and Fire TV very soon. Happy listening!

Ready to start your own station? Contact one of our Product Consultants or visit our website today. Discover thousands of free stations from every genre of music and talk at Rather listen on our app? Download the Live365 app on iOS or Android. Keep up with the latest news by following us on Facebook (Live365 (Official) and Live365 Broadcasting) and Twitter (@Live365 and @Broadcast365)!

Article Image: An Amazon Alexa (Echo Dot) on a wooden coffee table, a hand holding an Amazon Fire TV remote. (gulpa, mynewturtle via DepositPhotos.)