Podcast Intros: 10 Tips to Get Your Listeners Hooked

Having an intriguing intro to your podcast is extremely important. Even if a listener is interested in your topic, if you don't hook them in from the beginning, then you might not grab enough of their interest for them to continue listening. Of course, you need an appealing podcast cover and podcast title to gain a listener, but you also need an intriguing intro to gain a loyal listener. Check out our top 10 tips for getting your listeners hooked below.

10. Include Disclaimers When Needed.

If your podcast episode contains explicit language, triggering, disturbing, or sensitive topics, or controversial discussions, including a disclaimer in the beginning is vital. The last thing that you want is for a listener to feel uncomfortable or triggered while listening to your podcast. Let your audience know what to expect with a disclaimer so that they can prepare for it or stop listening if they need to.

9. Mention a Website or Call to Action.

The intro is a great place for you to mention your website or call to action. Your podcast intro is like a promotion for your podcast. Given that listeners decide within the first 5 minutes if they would like to continue listening, your intro is the perfect moment for you to sell your podcast to your audience. Just as you want to introduce your podcast in the intro, you also want to communicate what you would like your listeners to do from the start.

8. Write Your Intro Beforehand.

Preparing your intro beforehand is a good idea to ensure that your intro contains all of the essential information in as few words as possible. If you improvise your intro, you may end up rambling on, which will not be entertaining for your listeners. Write our your intro and read it aloud before recording your podcast.

7. Create a Tagline.

Creating a tagline for your podcast can be a great way to quickly describe your podcast and summarize your mission. Having a catchy tagline can also be helpful in branding and increasing brand awareness.

6. Choose the Right Music.

Adding music to your podcast intro is a fantastic attention-getter. Start your podcast with a jingle that can potentially become recognizable with your podcast and then layer some music under your spoken introduction. If you are looking for some music to add to your podcast, check out our article entitled Music for Podcasts.

5. Set the Tone for Your Podcast.

Your intro should set the tone for your podcast, meaning the words that you say, your tone of voice, and the music that you choose should make sense for your podcast topic and specific episode topic. If you are speaking about something light-hearted and fun, then your intro should reflect that. On the other hand, if you are talking about a darker topic, your intro should take a more solemn, sinister, or spooky tone.

4. Start With a Question.

Starting with a question can be a really intriguing way to begin your podcast. Other options for interesting ways to start your podcast include key takeaways, teasers, questions you'll be answering or problems you'll be trying to work out, statistics, interview quotes, lessons, problems or disagreements, relatable scenarios, or stories that paint pictures. Also, if you have an exciting, relevant advertisement later on in your podcast, you can tease that ad.

3. Introduce Your Podcast.

Say your podcast's name, your name, podcast topic and value, episode title and topic, and date if needed. Introducing your podcast will ensure that all of your listeners know your podcast's name, your name, and podcast and episode information. Whether a listener is new or has been a loyal audience member for awhile, your introduction will help solidify brand awareness in your audience. This introduction also ensures that listeners who don't or can't look at their screen know all of your podcast info.

2. Be Concise.

While you want to introduce your podcast and present sufficient information in an intriguing manner, you also want to ensure that you are being concise. If your intro is too long, you might bore your listeners, lose their attention, or even lose them from your audience. Say what you need to say with as few words as possible. Sometimes it can be easy to introduce your episode topic so much that it becomes an information overload. Be aware of how much information you are presenting in your intro and if a piece of information isn't necessary for the intro, save it for the episode. Consider making your intro somewhere between 30 seconds and 1 minute.

1. Create a Unique Intro for Each Episode.

Mix up what you say in each intro. Your audience does not want to hear the same exact spiel every time they listen. Listening to the same intro for every episode becomes boring really quickly. Present similar information each time, but change what you say and how you say it.

A good intro grabs the attention of the listeners and informs them about the podcast, similar to a sales pitch. The intro of your podcast largely determines if a listener becomes a loyal listener. In simpler terms, intros really matter in engaging your listeners. So, ensure that you are spending ample time creating your intros to make them the best that they can possibly be. Happy podcasting!

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Article Image: Magda Ehlers via Pexels.