Featured Spotlight Station, Feature

Featured Spotlight Station: Solid Rock Radio

Live365's "Featured Spotlight Station" this week is Solid Rock Radio! We spoke with Lee Moore about the station's setup, what listeners can expect to hear, and some of some of the station's biggest influences. Check out the interview below!

What brought you to Live365?
I came from another provider after they had serious internal issues. Live365 is a trusted name in the industry and the new owners are top notch including their support team.

What's your studio like?
We run PlayoutOne as our automation system with Music 1 as the scheduler. Our control board is a D&R Airlite and attached is the Electro-Voice RE320 dynamic microphone.

What can listeners expect when they tune in to your station?
We play a variety of Rock and Contemporary in the Christian genre.

What has been your favorite moment as a DJ/Station Manager so far?
The most favorite moment is incorporating Solid Rock Radio and staring the process to take it non-profit.

What is the best concert you've ever attended, and why?
It would have been Plug In To The Rock Fest in the summer of 2017. It was the best because it was hosted and promoted by Solid Rock Radio. We had Brett Tatum, We Are Vessel, and Set For The Fall

When asked for some of the station's biggest influences. Here's what Solid Rock Radio had to say:

  1. The Protest - What Else You Got
  2. As We Ascend - Hatchet
  3. Gold Frankincense and Myrrh - Graveyard Identities
  4. Chaotic Resemblance - Virtual Reality
  5. Skillet - Feel Invincible
  6. The Persuaded - To My Brothers
  7. Zahna - Underneath
  8. LEDGER - Not Dead Yet
  9. Collision of Innocence - Took My Place
  10. Set For The Fall - 3 Nails

Listen to Solid Rock Radio on Live365.com, give them a like on Facebook, and follow them onTwitter and Instagram!

Live365 Broadcasters! Want the chance to be featured? Fill out the form at the following link: Featured Spotlight Submission Form. (Duplicate station entries will only be featured once. Must have a Live365 Broadcaster account.)

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About Sarah Osborne

  • Pennsylvania