How to Submit Your Podcast to Stitcher & TuneIn

In addition to Apple Podcasts (iTunes), Spotify, and Google Podcasts, you most likely want to submit your podcast to Stitcher and TuneIn to increase your discoverability. Stitcher and TuneIn both allow for podcast submissions and the submission processes are pretty simple. Below, we've gone through the steps for submitting your podcast to both directories so you can increase your visibility.

Podcast Requirements:

Before you submit your podcast to Stitcher or TuneIn, make sure you meet the following minimum requirements:

  • Your podcast cover art has a square JPG or PNG formatted image at least 1400 x 1400 (1400 x 1400 JPG image recommended).
  • You have a unique podcast title.
  • You have created at least one podcast episode in either mp3 or m4a audio format.


  1. To add your podcast to Stitcher, you must first apply to be a Content Provider here.
  2. Enter your podcast's RSS feed URL.
  3. To authorize adding your podcast, Stitcher will automatically pull in the email address associated with your podcast’s RSS feed. You'll receive an email from Stitcher within a few minutes of submitting your RSS feed URL. Once you get the email, click the link "I Approve, Add This Show to Stitcher." Then go back to Stitcher's page and click "Got It."
  4. Accept the terms and conditions. You're done!

Stitcher now automatically approves any podcast submitted to their platform. Once your podcast is up on Stitcher, make sure to modify your podcast's details to your liking and consider adding a Stitcher subscribe button to your podcast's website.


  1. To add your podcast to TuneIn, navigate to this page.
  2. Fill in the required details and send your email.
  3. Wait for approval.

Note that by default, Amazon Alexa gets podcasts from TuneIn, so once your podcast is on TuneIn, your podcast will be easily accessible via Alexa. Listeners using Alexa are able to access podcasts through some other directories, however they need to enable the Alexa Skill for whatever directory they would like to use.

There's no doubt that if your podcast is on more directories, it has a better chance of gaining listeners. Since there are many directories, both mainstream and more niche, listeners have their preference of directory and usually stick with that preference. That is exactly why it is important to make sure your podcast is on every directory possible, so that no matter the directory preference of the listener, you have a chance of gaining that listener. Happy podcasting!

Article last updated 5/20/2021

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Article Image: mohamed_hassan via Pixabay.