How Often Should You Release New Podcast Episodes?

So you've recorded some podcast episodes, you've got them edited and polished, and now they're ready to be released to the public. How quickly or slowly should you release each episode? The short answer: you're free to release new episodes whenever you want. You could release them all at once, or even once every six months if you desired!

But in terms of gradually building a following for your show, there is a strategic way to release new episodes of your podcast. It all depends on a couple of factors particular to your show. There's no right or wrong way to schedule new episode releases, but in order to get the most benefit out of doing so, there are a couple of questions you need to ask yourself first.

Puzzled over the best scheduling method for your show? Keep reading to find out how often you should release your podcast episodes!

Reflect on Your Podcast's Subject

First, consider how big, small, current, or evergreen your main podcast subject is. Do you talk about something that is up-to-date, like the latest news or celebrity gossip? Or do you chat about topics a little more universal, like social issues, dating advice, or business tips?

If your themes are a bit more current or your topics are on the smaller side, it would be wiser to release new podcast episodes at a faster pace. You could release episodes once or twice a week, or even daily if you feel inclined to get your work out quickly. If your subjects are modern, trendy, and in the public eye, it's best to get your episodes up as soon as possible before people lose interest in the topic.

However, if your episodes' themes are on the bigger and evergreen side, consider releasing episodes at a slower pace. Every two weeks or once a month works well. Releasing episodes more slowly will give you time to do quality research on your subjects, and ensure your releases offer timeless content listeners can come back to. If you have a podcast dedicated to analyzing true crime murder cases, releasing episodes once a day may be overkill!

It's important to keep in mind that you can always schedule releases more or less frequently during certain times of year. For example: if your podcast is all about basketball, you can schedule more releases in March to account for the relevancy of March Madness.

Account for the Amount of Content Within Each Episode

It's important to know how much content your specific topic affords you. How many of your episode ideas are reasonable to produce this year? Now, count up your number of producible ideas, and analyze how often you can publish an episode with those ideas.

Let's say you have 50 solid ideas. A once-a-week podcast could work well - you'll be able to release episodes for almost a whole year! Do you have 100 episode ideas? You may be able to release a podcast twice a week.

Additionally, keep your episodes' runtimes at the forefront of your mind when scheduling episode releases. If your podcasts run long - say between 40 minutes to an hour - then it might be more beneficial to release episodes slowly so listeners who are behind can catch up before your next big release. If your podcast episodes are more bite-sized, then you're okay to drop new episodes at a quicker pace.

Consider Your Own Schedule

No one likes burnout! When planning podcast episode releases, it's smart to factor in your own schedule outside of recording. Think about what you can realistically handle. From the brainstorming, research, recording, editing, and promoting of your episodes, how much time do you actually have? More specifically: how much time do you comfortably have to release new episodes?

If your podcast's creative process typically takes 5 to 10-hours and you work 50 hours a week, it's probably not a wise decision to release two episodes per week. Be realistic in the time you have available before jumping into more than you can handle. Your fans would rather you be able to release new episodes without worry than see your show crash and burn because you're biting off more than you can chew! It's all about quality over quantity.

Remember to Take a Break

You don't have to keep publishing episodes regularly if you need a hiatus. In fact, many podcasts have various "seasons" so creators can take some time to relax, live their lives, and eventually plan for more episodes.

Breaks are important: not only for you and your sanity, but for newbie listeners looking to catch up on your show before episodes are posted regularly again. If you want to take a break, just keep a few things in mind. First, make sure to announce to your fans your show will be on a hiatus. Be sure to let them know when you plan to return, as well!

Second, plan in advance for your break if possible. Breaks are nice and stress-free, but eventually you will need to make a return so your podcast can keep thriving. We know of many podcasts that took breaks only to never return! Mark your calender accordingly so you know when you need to get back to work. Breaks are great, but they shouldn't lead to the death of your podcast.

When your show eventually makes its grand return, spread the word that you're back! You can do a lot on your social media accounts to build up excitement among your fanbase. Trust us, your listeners will have missed you and will be very eager to hear the new things you have to say!

We hope this guide helped you figure out the best times to release your brand new podcast episodes. Keep working hard, and happy podcasting!

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Article Image: A hand holds up a sticker of a cartoon speech bubble that reads "New Podcast Episode." ( via DepositPhotos.)