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Why Joy? It is our heartfelt desire that the world may know they will never have complete Joy without grasping onto the true Joy Giver. There is no true Joy without Jesus. The Bible repeats over and over the command to bring Joy, sing for Joy, shout for Joy, cries of Joy, find Joy, choose Joy, and even to share Joy. We feel we are called to share exactly that…Joy! Why Worship? What greater honor could we have than to Worship to the King of Kings! In Luke 4, we are commanded to “worship the Lord our God”. Do we really need a command to worship the amazing God who made the heavens and the earth? Just breath to breathe is reason enough, not to mention the incredible inheritance we have coming. It is an absolute honor to have the privilege to come before His presence with singing! Great practice for the day we are worshipping Him face to face.