Rock on Neon

Rock on Neon

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The station’s motto is “some that you recognize, some that you've hardly even heard of” which is a quote from the song Celluloid Heroes by The Kinks written by Ray Davies. On Mondays thru Fridays, 24 hours a day, is What If New Wave Never Ended. The music includes classic new wave, forgotten new wave and album cuts from new wave artists. In addition, to capture the full new wave experience, which includes finding new favorite songs and artists; the music also includes songs post-new-wave from classic new wave artists and artists post-new wave that fit the genre (both indie/small label artists and established artists). Saturdays on the station is Spotlight on Indies where a song from an indie/small label artist alternates with a song from an established artist (new wave, alternative and mainstream rock). Sundays are a rotation of shows - Lilith Fair (female solo artists and bands with female lead singers), Decades (songs grouped together by decade from the 60s thru current decade with songs from indie/small label artists in between), The Best of Rock on Neon Radio (songs in the book Rock on Neon Radio's Top 1,000 Songs of All Time plus the best songs post-book) and Different and Popular (remixes, extended mixes, covers, past Shrieks/Screamers/Shoutouts). Shrieks/Screamers are from WDRE/WLIR and Shoutout of the Week is a feature on What If New Wave Never Ended where listeners vote for the song of the week. Go to and search on Rock on Neon to listen to and vote on the songs nominated each week (here is the URL for Mixcloud, When there is a fifth Sunday in the month the show is all about prior songs nominated for and songs that won Shoutout of the Week.


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